Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Called to Serve!!

After almost 5 months of waiting, I am finally leaving on my mission! I have been called to serve for 18 months in the Spain Madrid Mission, and I couldn’t be more thrilled about it! I was originally supposed to leave on January 16th, but my MTC entrance date was delayed because they decided to send me straight to Spain. But of course, with my luck, I haven’t received my visa yet….so now I’m going to the Provo MTC anyway. It’s ok though because I have 5 friends going in on the same day! But cross your fingers that I get my visa soon, because I’ve been hearing horror stories about the Spanish visas…So tonight, I will be set apart as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. I will officially begin that missionary service.

I found this on pinterest, and it pretty much sums up why I decided to serve a mission.

I am very excited/nervous/anxious/literally freaking out about this opportunity that I have been given to serve the Lord. I hope to be the best missionary that I can. My mom will post letters and pictures on here occasionally, so if you want to, you can stay updated on my missionary adventure in Spain!