Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I have been out on my mission now for 7 weeks.  I was only in the Provo MTC for 4 1/2 days.  My visa came through and so Monday morning on February 11th, I left Provo at 5:00 a.m. to head to the Salt Lake International Airport.  After 24 hours of traveling, I arrived in Madrid and was taken to the MTC there.  My companion, Sister Norton and I were the only American Hermanas. We were immersed in the language, culture and environment of Spain.  I love it here!  I can see the temple from my room.  It is very pretty and all lit up at night.  One thing that is different from the Provo MTC is that on Saturday's we as an MTC all go to this huge park in Madrid  and proselyte and place Books of Mormon to REAL people. It was kind of scary since I don't speak Spanish, yet. 

So I left the MTC on Tuesday, March 19th  and all the Madrid missionaries went to the mission home, where Sister Jackson had made us Cafe Rio burritos  Ah they were sooo good! Then we went back to the Stake Center by the Temple and got our companions. My first companion is Hermana Frandsen. She is from California and studies at BYU. The Lord has blessed me with a fantastic companion. We have a lot in common and just laugh about stuff that happens. She's a really hard worker, and really tries to listen to the spirit. My first area is called Vallecas. It's about 30 minutes away from the Temple square area, but we live right behind the temple. So basically I am still in the exact same place. I still get to see the Madrid Temple at night. I am loving it here! The espanol is coming slowly but surely. I feel so blessed to be here, and every day I realize more that this is a complete gift from the Lord, and hardly a sacrifice  and that it is going to bless me in my life more than I will ever deserve.