Tuesday, August 23, 2011

so anyway....

summer is basically over, and it (excuse my language) sucks. BUT i'm super excited for this upcoming year and here's why:

- i go to the best school there is. i don't care what my U of U friends say, BYU is the best.

- jeremy and zach will both be at the Y this year.

- i have the most amazing roommates in the world. i know everyone says that, but seriously, i do.

- i have a great job. i work with hilarious people (a.k.a heather, adam, eric, and carlee) who make me laugh pretty much my entire shift, it's flexible, and i get to eat free cookie dough EVERY DAY. you can't get a better job than that.

- i'm going to the styx concert with heather september 23rd.

- adam, one of the most talented and sweetest guys you'll ever meet, gets home from his mission october 25th.

- josh and kirsten just barely moved back to san francisco, so we get to visit them.

- breaking dawn is coming out! (ok, don't worry, that was a joke)

- amy is transferring to the Y winter semester (i'm thinkin dirty dozen provo style?)

- i get another niece or nephew come march.

- carlie is getting married which means i get to throw her an epic bachelorette party....

- i'm taking awesome classes and i love my major.

- matty is getting baptized in november.

- BYU football/basketball will most likely dominate.

so... obviously, it's going to be a great year.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

i'm back.

I’m really bad at this whole blogging thing. I had planned to blog a lot this summer, but for some reason I couldn’t find the time/motivation to sit down and write something worth reading.  And now in about three weeks I will be going back to college, so I’m sure I’ll be worrying about more important things than a good blog post topic.

It’s crazy how a certain event can create so much anticipation and excitement that you want time to speed up. However, when it finally arrives, it goes by way too quickly making you wish that you were still waiting for it to come.
I’m experiencing this sensation with a few of my summer highlights.

Time flies. The summer is almost over and I’ll be twenty next week. I feel like I’m sixteen. Before I know it, I’ll be forty and wondering how the heck everything went by so fast….that is a depressing thought. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love my life and all the people in it. I guess that’s why I feel the way I do. It’s comforting to have gospel knoweldge cause I know that none of it ever has to end.