Tuesday, August 23, 2011

so anyway....

summer is basically over, and it (excuse my language) sucks. BUT i'm super excited for this upcoming year and here's why:

- i go to the best school there is. i don't care what my U of U friends say, BYU is the best.

- jeremy and zach will both be at the Y this year.

- i have the most amazing roommates in the world. i know everyone says that, but seriously, i do.

- i have a great job. i work with hilarious people (a.k.a heather, adam, eric, and carlee) who make me laugh pretty much my entire shift, it's flexible, and i get to eat free cookie dough EVERY DAY. you can't get a better job than that.

- i'm going to the styx concert with heather september 23rd.

- adam, one of the most talented and sweetest guys you'll ever meet, gets home from his mission october 25th.

- josh and kirsten just barely moved back to san francisco, so we get to visit them.

- breaking dawn is coming out! (ok, don't worry, that was a joke)

- amy is transferring to the Y winter semester (i'm thinkin dirty dozen provo style?)

- i get another niece or nephew come march.

- carlie is getting married which means i get to throw her an epic bachelorette party....

- i'm taking awesome classes and i love my major.

- matty is getting baptized in november.

- BYU football/basketball will most likely dominate.

so... obviously, it's going to be a great year.

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