Monday, July 22, 2013

Hot and Sunny Spain

Oh my goodness, it is so hot here in Spain, I am seriously dying. It has been getting up to 40 C which is like 97 F and someone said that sometimes it gets to be 50 C...which is like 122 F. I don´t know if that´s true, but that´s like boil your feet on the sidewalk hot. 

We went to Segovia today for Pday. It´s about an hour north of Madrid. It´s a really beautiful Spanish city. It´s cool, I feel like I am on my study abroad again, especially when we go inside cathedrals and stuff.

This week has been the hardest of the mission so far. We had some serious disappointments with investigators that are just so close to the waters of baptism. Friday and Saturday were just entire days of having so much faith and then everything crashing down after people use their agency in a disappointing way. But such is life in the mission and back home I suppose. 

Blanca and Family baptism! Everyone in white was baptized except for the Elders and the short one is our bishop. It was really cool to baptize a family.

Hermana Frandsen and I are at this sweet Mexican restaurant.


Thanks always for the love and support that I feel from each one of you! I miss the family a lot, but I am so glad that I made the decision to serve a mission, I wouldn´t trade it for anything. I am learning so much, and meeting so many incredible people that I can´t imagine now not having the chance to know them...if that makes sense. The Lord really does know what is best for us and exactly what we need to do with our lives. I think I was always supposed to serve a mission. Heavenly Father just let me choose it for myself, but He always knew that I would choose to come. I know this church is true with all my heart.

  Me and some of my favorite Hermanas in Toldedo.

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