Sunday, November 27, 2011

got that glitter on my eyes...

heather ann lagrosa is one of my best friends and she is turning 20 today. but she is in florida right now enjoying the warm weather, so i can't really wish her a happy birthday properly. so i decided to dedicate this blog post to her.

when i met heather my freshman year, i knew right away that i wanted to be her friend. she was the girl who would walk into my apartment without knocking just to say hi even before we really knew each other, and she threw the most crazy/awesome parties. she also could rock a mowhawk better than anyone i'd ever met. so after we bonded over our shared interest in black lights, we've been friends ever since.

so many of my college memories involve heather. like the multiple times we played basketball at heritage halls and then made lentils after...or when we "accidentally" stayed up till 5:30 in the morning just talking about random stuff. there was also the time when we both decided to eat fire hot/spicy sushi and i literally almost died, but of course heather was fine. and i'm so lucky she shares my obsession for old people music, cause i can't think of anyone else i would have rather seen styx and journey with (and Kes$a 2031).

but more importantly than the fact that i can always count on her to have a good time, is that i can always count on her to be there for me. i know she'll always be willing to help me with anything, even if it's the same stupid drama i've been complaining about for weeks...

heather is one of the best people you will ever meet and i am so glad that we are friends.



  1. You. Rock. My. Life.
    Bekstrandsiez for real, thanks so much for making me feel special. You the best girl!
