Sunday, November 27, 2011

got that glitter on my eyes...

heather ann lagrosa is one of my best friends and she is turning 20 today. but she is in florida right now enjoying the warm weather, so i can't really wish her a happy birthday properly. so i decided to dedicate this blog post to her.

when i met heather my freshman year, i knew right away that i wanted to be her friend. she was the girl who would walk into my apartment without knocking just to say hi even before we really knew each other, and she threw the most crazy/awesome parties. she also could rock a mowhawk better than anyone i'd ever met. so after we bonded over our shared interest in black lights, we've been friends ever since.

so many of my college memories involve heather. like the multiple times we played basketball at heritage halls and then made lentils after...or when we "accidentally" stayed up till 5:30 in the morning just talking about random stuff. there was also the time when we both decided to eat fire hot/spicy sushi and i literally almost died, but of course heather was fine. and i'm so lucky she shares my obsession for old people music, cause i can't think of anyone else i would have rather seen styx and journey with (and Kes$a 2031).

but more importantly than the fact that i can always count on her to have a good time, is that i can always count on her to be there for me. i know she'll always be willing to help me with anything, even if it's the same stupid drama i've been complaining about for weeks...

heather is one of the best people you will ever meet and i am so glad that we are friends.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

count your many blessings...

so I’ve been kinda anxious and stressed out the last couple of weeks due to an accumulation of a lot of different things, and I hate feeling like that. since the current tendonitis in my right foot has been keeping me from running, which is my usual stress reliever, I had to think of something else to make myself feel better. 

 as I was walking to campus on monday, I decided to start listing off things in my head that I am grateful for…. “well, I’m grateful that I have a healthy body, and that my family loves me, and I have lots of friends, and I live in a free country, and I’m able to go to college, and I have the gospel in my life, and it’s not raining right now, and I have warm clothes to wear, etc….” after I had gotten to class and couldn’t think of anymore right then, I thought “wow, my life is not even hard. I have nothing to complain about.” I’ve also been in a really good mood since. I’m now a firm believer in the hymn “count your many blessings.”

I think this is all very appropriate for this time of year since thanksgiving is tomorrow, and we’re supposed to be thinking of what we’re grateful for anyway. 

when I really stop and think about it, there are SO many things that I am grateful for, but the one that is always on top of the list is my family.

I know it’s a little cliché to say you’re grateful for family, but I mean it with all of my heart. I’m grateful that when we get together we always have tons fun even if it’s only for dinner or a very competitive and loud game of charades. I’m grateful that one of us only has to say one word, and it starts an hour long movie quoting session, or how everyone will still gather into the family room when Arthur comes one.  

Rachel- since she’s the oldest, I’m grateful that she was such a great role model for everything and that she helped me discover my love for music and traveling.

Josh- I’m grateful for his random movie quote texts and that when he visits from California I always remember how much I miss him.

Jeremy- I’m grateful that he’s one of my support systems down in provo and that I can talk to him about anything.

Zach – I’m grateful that he’s my other support system down in provo and that he is secretly the most creative person I have ever met.

Nathan- I’m grateful that he can give me one look and it’s enough to bust up laughing and that we share the same nerdy obsessions.

Hannah – I’m grateful that she shares my love for ballet and musicals and that she’ll let me impart my wisdom when it comes to dealing with bratty teenage girls.

Jacob – I’m grateful that he loves to tell me what’s going on his life and he still always lets me jump on the tramp with him.

Matty – I’m grateful that he is always my Disney trivia partner and how he gets so excited when I come home.  
My parents- I could probably write a novel on why I am grateful for them. But basically if it wasn’t for them I would not be the person that I am today.
I’ve never really noticed how big my family is until we were all crammed into my tiny apartment in provo on tuesday. I think it might have overwhelmed my roommates a little bit, cause we’re all pretty loud and sometimes kinda weird. But you know what, I wouldn’t trade them for anything.

Friday, November 18, 2011

it's carlie's birthday...

and since her b-day usually gets overshadowed by harry potter and twilight midnight showings i wanted to make sure she knew i didn't forget.

i have only known carlie mckeon for 15 months, but it feels like it's been my entire life. my life would not be the same if she wasn't in it, so i'm very glad she decided i was cool enough to be her friend when she originally wasn't so sure...

 in this short while that i have known her she has already taught me so many valuable life lessons:

1. don't try to prove you're tough by doing stupid things that make permanent marks on your arm.

2. if you spin around in circles and then try to do jumping jacks, you'll most likely get clotheslined.

3. forgiveness is more than saying sorry.

4. being the cornerstone is quite enjoyable.

5. sister wives is the greatest t.v. show ever.

6. don't drink a lot of rockstars saturday night, cause you'll probably get a lesson about hangovers the next day in relief society.

7. don't pretend to hit on your best friend's soon-to-be fiance as an april fool's joke, cause it could end up going WAAY to far.

8. the little drummer boy should not be made into a music video.

9. when you're in a complicated relationship and you don't feel in sync, it's a good idea to talk about your feelings.

10. haunted houses are terrifying (don't deny it. i was there).

11. interesting/hilarious fb conversations can be the result of an inappropriate youtube video.

12. rebecca black is sooo awesome.

13. the purpose of a fridge is to keep it's contents cold.

14. if you say something is pretty ok, it probably means you're boiling cats in your kitchen.

15. suite is not spelled S-U-I-T.

16. when you get caught putting a fridge in front of someone's car, it's a good idea to run away.

17. my middle name should have been spelled Lynnnnnnnnnnnnne.

18. swear by the moon and the stars in the sky.

19. talking about life and stuff until the late hours of the night is always a good idea.

20. being carlie's roommate is totes cray cray, but sup awes.